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Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a light touch therapy used to stimulate the body's Lymphatic System.

It is a natural approach to staying well,

preparing the body for adversity and

healing after a disruption in physical health.

What is MLD

An ultrasound showed inflamed lymph nodes near her 10-year old daughter's appendix. Instead of accepting "that it would pass", she sought out relief for her daughter's excruciating pain through MLD:

"Megan made my daughter feel comfortable right away with her encouraging words and the relaxed atmosphere.  The therapy provided much more pain relief than medicine, and we finally felt hope that the pain would diminish.  Sure enough, my daughter's pain lessened greatly in intensity, allowing her the best night's sleep she had had in five days.  We are extremely grateful for Megan and the relief the therapy provided.


- Karen Huizinga, Hudsonville, MI          


Edema &


MLD moves lymph around damaged or missing lymph nodes (like those removed during a masectomy). Combined with a custom compression garment, MLD can keep swelling of a limb at bay.


Before surgery, MLD can prepare the lymphatic system to  to respond to surgical disruption.

After surgery, MLD can optimize the efficiency of the lymph system as it responds to a surgical disruption.

The lymphatic system is the body's  "clean-up-the-mess" system. Getting it up and moving will facilitate a faster, easier recovery with less bruising and scarring.


MLD can support the body in its desire to stay well.

 Maintenance of the lymphatic system on a regular basis will move metabolic waste, optimize healing from the body's normal wear and tear and promote skin health.


MLD can reduce swelling during pregnancy, when the Lymphatic System is challenged. It reduces the body's risk of creating stretch marks, and can help prepare for, or recover from a Cesarean birth.

Learn more about pregnancy MLD through our sister site,

GR Birth & Wellness



Our therapists have been through extensive training and are certified through MLD Institute International.


MLD is most effective in a series of three FULL BODY treatments with a Certified MLD Therapist.

Discounts are available for 3-appointment series and need to be set-up through our office.

Click here to email us, which is the fastest way to reach us.


Single appointments are $110/hour.

Click here to Self-Schedule SINGLE appointments through our sister website.

Choose "Bodywork Services" and then "MLD Therapy Treatment"


Our services are considered an eligible expense by most HSAs and FSAs.


Basic Treatment Series

Ideal for pre- *OR* post-surgery

(3) 60-minute treatments | $300



Enhanced Treatment Series

Ideal for pre- AND post-surgery

(6) 60-minute treatments | $540



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MLD Institute International

FL, GA, AL, SC & Bahamas

CE Broker Approved #50-5201 

NCBTMB Provider # 450512-07


3181 Prairie St. SW

Grandville, MI 49418

Phone: (616)291-8691

Email Here


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